Project Briefs
Grade 10 Printmaking
Topic 1: Visual Diary
Do research on at least 2 artists who make use of different styles creating printmaking with lino. You need to include the images from these artist accomponied with the relevant information.
Look at various cutting methods.
You need 4 different photographs of yourself, A5 in size and in black and white (good quality).
It is important that you look at the light when taking your photographs. Tonal variation is important so look for photos that have good contrast in them. Do not use photographs that are too grey or too dark.
Brainstorm drawings: A4
Choose two photographs that are best suited for your project. Create 2 quality brainstorm drawings making use of dots and line with a black koki pen playing around with your tonal variation (One drawing in dots and the other drawing making use of contour lines). It is important that you create good contrasts eg. Solid black areas and white areas and create various tones of "grey" through the use of dots/lines. The closer the dots, the darker the tone will appear etc.
Compositional Collages: A4
Create 3 Compositional collages through means of making photostats of your chosen brainstorm drawing.
You need to incorporate the following in your collage: Your name, surname and Grade 10 Visual Art 2015. Also think of an interesting background that you want to incorporate. Make use of a contrasting background mark, for instance a more linear design or image. Placement of your typography is important. Placement of all the objects need to be explored to achieve the best possible composition.
If you should choose to create the image of yourself in dots, then the negative space needs to be treated with a linear approach.This will cause good variaty and interrest in your work.
Topic 2 Final Artwork
Preparation for Final Artwork:
Use brown lino or Breeze cut lino. If you are using brown lino, the lino must be sanded before it can be used. Make use of 150 grit water-based sandpaper and 300 grit using a little wooden block. (This will be done in class so your teacher will help you with this process)
Make a good quality photocopy, A3 size, of your chosen compositional collage. The photocopy must be done making use of a powder based photocopy printer.
Once the lino has been sanded and cleaned, you are going to rub the photocopy face down onto the lino with acetone.
Draw a black border (about 3 milimeters) around the edge of your image that is on your lino.
Carving can proceed once this has been completed.
Use small V shaped cutting tool and cut on the outside (the brown areas of your lino) of all the black lines or black dots of your lino. With your U shaped cutting tool, cut out all the large (brown sections) of your lino.
Your teacher will guide you trhough the printing process in class. You will need to create an edition of at least 5 prints.
Your Final print must be window mounted, leaving at least 2 cm around the edge of the image you printed, visible.
What you will need:
A3 Lino - Brown Lino
Water based sandpaper and wooden block to sand with (150 and 300 grit)
If you use Breeze Cut Lino, get grey one
Lino cutters
Black fine liner pen
Paper for printing – Fabriano, Rosapino 2 sheets A1
Mutton Cloth