Grade 10
This term is used for painting. To be honest, I do not bother with acrylic or water colour paints, I go straight in with oil painting.
The Theme I give during this term is "Icons". I try and tie this in with Byzantine art - hence the gold leaf application you can see in the image.
Paint is done in oil paint making use of Liquin as a quick drying medium. I start off with an underpainting and then layering different washes of colour on top.
Ages 5 - 8
September 1st
I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It’s easy. Just click “Edit Text” or double click me and you can start adding your own content and make changes to the font. I’m a great place for you to tell a story and let your users know a little more about you.
This is a great space to write long text about your company and your services. You can use this space to go into a little more detail about your company. Talk about your team and what services you provide.
Visual Art - Grade 10
On this page I will attempt to show you how I work and approach the different grades. I need to stress, I am not concerned with message and content development in grade 10. I do however spend loads of time on the Elements of Art and how it affects the learners artworks. For me, teaching proper techniques and laying a good foundation is the most essential part in grade 10.
Term 2
To be honest, I do not bother with acrylic or water colour paints, I go straight in with oil painting.
The Theme I give during this term is "Icons". I try and tie this in with Byzantine art - hence the gold leaf application you can see in the image.
Paint is done in oil paint making use of Liquin as a quick drying medium. I start off with an underpainting and then layering different washes of colour on top.
Below you can see examples of a learners underpainting, and then the glazes of colour applied on top.
Term 3
During this term I teach my learners how to create an artwork out of Linoleum. If you go to the printmaking page, you will see how I teach printmaking. In "Project Briefs" you will find the Brief I give to my grade 10 learners to create a front cover for their Visual Diary. Teachers can leave out certain sections from this brief (the name, grade and Visual Art) to create a self portrait study in lino.
This is how I changed the front cover project into a self portrait project incorporating an embossed frame surrounding the central image.
During this project, the learner got the experience of carving, printing and embossing.
Term 4
Final 24 hour practical examination.
The learners are presented with a brief which consist out of preparation done in their Visual Diaries and a 24 hour practical examination done over 5 days. They are allowed to use any medium in this examination that they have learned throughout their grade 10 year.
Grade 10
Term 1
Drawing Techniques
In the images below, are examples of what I start off with in grade 10. Learners need to incorporate different techniques, smooth shading, stippling, hatching and scribling, making use of graphite, colour pencils, fineliners, ballpoint pens.
Learners make use of the grid method to get their proportains correct. It is essential that learners always work from good photographs/visual references. The clearer, better quality and larger they are, the better the end result is going to be. I can't stress this enough, the better the visual reference, the better the final product will be! I need to make it very clear, these drawings are looking at different drawing techniques and do not carry any "meaning" as far as message is concerned.
I change this exercise some years by making them use a self portrait that is collaged first in interresting ways. Different sections are then used for different techniques.
Icon oil paintings of grade 10 learners